Pilot Study Program

Introducing the Agenics Labs Pilot Study Program—a special opportunity for dental organizations to experience how easy a well designed, properly supported water testing program can be. If you qualify, there’s no cost to you, no purchase or commitment required. Our products and services speak for themselves.

Sign Up Today

How the Program Works

  • 1. Apply to Qualify

    As much as we’d like to, we can’t just offer free water testing to any practice out there. Fill out our 2 minute form to see if you qualify. If you meet the program requirements, we’ll send the link for the questionnaire.

  • 2. Complete Our Waterline Questionnaire

    Our quick, 15min survey asks all the right questions to capture the variables relevant to your group’s waterline compliance use case

  • 3. We Send You a Test Kit

    To give you the best possible guidance, we need to establish a baseline of preexisting contamination. When the test kit arrives, collect your samples and ship them back with the provided return label for processing.

  • 4. We Process, Analyze, and Share the Findings

    This is where we bring it all together. We collate your responses to the questionnaire with the results from your lab testing to produce a detailed report of what is working, what needs attention, and what needs to change.

Ready to Get Started?

Click the button below to start your questionnaire.